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High Priestess Peace Whitehorse


I am a Wiccan woman living in south central Pennsylvania with my husband and my Shetland sheepdogs. I am involved in animal rescue and help out with Sheltie rescue as often as I have the opportunity. My husband is a very open-minded, Pagan-friendly Christian.  We are both retired now and I have time to dedicate to the Goddess and my Path. I grew up as a Lutheran, and knew early on that was not for me, so I searched different churches trying to find what "fit".  Finally, two good friends of mine introduced me to Wicca and I felt as if I had "come home".  In searching for learning and growth on my new path, I found Lady Kerritwyn and the Sacred Three Goddess School.  I graduated from The Sacred Three Goddess School, completed my Level IV studies, was elevated to High Priestess and ordained in 2012.  I facilitate a small group of like-minded folk that circle in Peace Grove, a clearing in the woods on our property.  I have one son who has passed beyond the veil, and two wonderful stepchildren, a lovely young woman and a terrific young man.  Family is very important to me, including "chosen" family and my dogs who are also part of my family.  I am one of probably a very few witches that does not have a cat!   I am also a level three Reiki practitioner.


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